Friday, February 21, 2014

The third blabber - Confrontation.

I was never good at confrontations, I usually avoid any harsh conversations or run away from any serious confrontations. I prefer to hide because I don't handle the consequences well. Yes, I am a weak person, a weak personality, lack reason and strength. Ok, I am all of that and I know it, but seriously, it is a lot easier to avoid mental accidents with people who are not even willing to hear your point of view.

Which bring me to one of the worst traits in my personality; I am a quitter! It's not just I quit conversations, I quit everything the minute it gets hard, I'm not hardcore, I can't handle anything. No wonder they all have been making fun of my hopes of becoming a surgeon, they think dermatology or anything easy will better suit me. They know when I'm stressed, I quit.

People who think I am a strong person don't know the secret behind my strength. It is people believing in me. When I have people around me who truly believe in me, encourage me and support me, I give my best. But when they depress me and try to mock me, well, we all know the results.

Back to the point, confrontations, I suck! I even deactivate facebook and twitter when I'm mad at someone because I don't want to talk since I know I'll exaggerate stuff and make huge problems out of no where instead of a real honest confrontation that might lead to a good solution.

Once again, sorry for your wasted time. 

Monday, February 10, 2014

The second blabber - Guilt.

What is guilt?

From wikipedia; guilt is an emotion that occurs when a person believes that they have violated a moral standard that they themselves believe in. So, according to this, we basically feel guilty towards ourselves. That's the worst types of guilt.

You know when you hurt someone or disappoint them you can always try to make it up to them and they actually might forgive and forget, so the guilt might go away. But the real guilt, towards what you did to yourself, is the guilt that stays, the guilt that accompanies you in your day and night, the guilt that chases after you in your dreams.

Guilt is a very powerful emotion. Guilt can kill! How many suicides do you think were because of guilt? The one felt so guilty towards himself that he couldn't do anything but blindly attempting to end his life to put him out of his misery, but he, poor he, didn't know then, or ignored, the fact that killing yourself is the greatest guilt of all. You grant yourself a front seat in hell. I have more to say about guilt, but I'm just not in the mood to complete, so most probably the Guilt blabber will have a continuation....

Sorry for your lost time once again...

Sunday, February 9, 2014

The first blabber - Decisions.

I know, I should have made a welcome post to welcome you in my new blog which I created for no reason but to write whatever on my mind without expecting stalkers, though I'm gonna put a link on my twitter profile lol, so if there's still a stalker, I think you're going to enjoy this blog. But, nay, I'm not gonna welcome you! It's just because I don't think anyone will be even interested to read my blabbers.

Well, let's get to the first blabber, decisions.
For those who might be reading this and know me in my real life, they know I'm the greatest indecisive person anyone can ever meet! I mean, it's like I take a decision, then after less than a minute, YES, a minute, I change my mind to the complete opposite decision.

So, it came to me, why do we need to make decision?! Why can't we just go with the flow, live it a day by day, or actually a minute by minute, you know, just not to think about anything that needs a decision! I might have even considered the option of not eating if I'm not offered the food in my bed, because joining them for lunch or dinner will require me to think and decide whether to go or not! Yeah, that's how pathetic I am with decisions!

If someone is reading this, and if you reached up to this point, you might as well realize that you've wasted your time reading this useless post that will lead you to nothing.

Well, anyways, I'm glad you passed by.

See you in the next blabber.