Friday, February 21, 2014

The third blabber - Confrontation.

I was never good at confrontations, I usually avoid any harsh conversations or run away from any serious confrontations. I prefer to hide because I don't handle the consequences well. Yes, I am a weak person, a weak personality, lack reason and strength. Ok, I am all of that and I know it, but seriously, it is a lot easier to avoid mental accidents with people who are not even willing to hear your point of view.

Which bring me to one of the worst traits in my personality; I am a quitter! It's not just I quit conversations, I quit everything the minute it gets hard, I'm not hardcore, I can't handle anything. No wonder they all have been making fun of my hopes of becoming a surgeon, they think dermatology or anything easy will better suit me. They know when I'm stressed, I quit.

People who think I am a strong person don't know the secret behind my strength. It is people believing in me. When I have people around me who truly believe in me, encourage me and support me, I give my best. But when they depress me and try to mock me, well, we all know the results.

Back to the point, confrontations, I suck! I even deactivate facebook and twitter when I'm mad at someone because I don't want to talk since I know I'll exaggerate stuff and make huge problems out of no where instead of a real honest confrontation that might lead to a good solution.

Once again, sorry for your wasted time. 

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